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Our Issues

Our Constitution:

We need to address the issues concerning our US Constitution: equality, bodily autonomy, diversity and inclusion, common sense gun laws, and immigration. 

Our Farms: 

With 95,000 farms, Missouri is the state with the second-most farms in the United States. It's our goal to bring respect and reverence back to the people who feed the nation and provide the basis for multiple national industries. We want to reestablish the country-of-origin legislation, and protect our participation in the global agricultural economy. If we serve the farmers who serve us, Missouri and the rest of the nation will thrive. 

Our Workforce:

Plain and simple: Missouri needs jobs. With more available jobs, our small towns and rural communities would have the opportunity to create thriving local economies that would improve the financial health of the entire state.  Additionally, as Jeanette is a dues-paying Union member of 30 years, we are pro-union and pro-laborer. 

Our Equality:

The first version of the Equal Rights Amendment was introduced in 1923, and yet as women, we still do not have equal rights under the United States Constitution. Without this federal protection, our rights and autonomy can be—and are being—stripped away. In representing the Missouri, we want to co-sponsor the removal of the time limit on the ERA and work to finally ratify equal rights for women. 

Our Families: 

Working American families have long been burdened by the lack of affordable quality childcare and the pressures of work and finances. We wholeheartedly support the American Family Act of 2023 and believe our government can do more to help our families right here at home. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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