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I'm Jeanette, and I'm running for the U.S. House of Representatives for Missouri Congressional District 4. 


I never thought I'd be running for office, but it seems like we're losing the Missouri values that I was taught to uphold, and I'd like to see them return. 


I was born and raised right here in Missouri, on a 350-acre historic dairy farm in Webster County, where I worked the livestock and fields alongside my father and my 7 siblings. I spent 28 years as a single mother.


All my life has been spent serving others. From farming to waitressing, building computer components in a factory, packing supplies in a grocery warehouse, and serving 30 years with the United States Postal Service.


I am pro-farmer, pro-family, pro-small business. I believe in our Constitutional rights, common sense gun laws, education for our children, and reformed immigration. I believe in equal rights for all people—and I believe in Missouri. 

The strength of a nation lies in the unity of its people.

Lewis Cass

Our Mission

My Mission

My mission is to improve and empower all communities through grassroots efforts. It is my belief that small businesses, farms, and rural communities are the foundation and heart of our state. By supporting our rural areas, we create the foundation for a robust economy in the entire state. 


I want to help bridge the growing gap between our rural and urban communities. We are all human beings, and we are reliant on each other even through our differences: our rural and agricultural districts feed the nation, while our cities provide manufacturing and services that can't be found anywhere else. 


 I am dedicated to supporting inclusive policies, economic resilience, and equal rights for all people. As your U.S. Representative, I commit to listening, collaborating, and tirelessly working towards a Missouri where your voice is heard, and every citizen thrives.

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We Need Your Support Today!

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